Spotify Takes Stand Against AI-Generated Songs
May 11, 2023
Enrich Africa
2 minute(s) Read
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In a bid to maintain the integrity of its platform and prevent fraudulent streaming, Spotify has recently taken action by removing tens of thousands of artificial intelligence-generated songs that violate its policies. These songs were primarily created using Boomy, an AI application renowned for generating complete tracks through machine-learning algorithms.

Spotify's decision to eliminate these AI-generated songs stems from concerns that bots may be artificially inflating stream counts. Additionally, the streaming giant aims to ensure fair royalty payments for genuine artists, as outlined in their statement to Music Business Worldwide.

The crackdown on Boomy's AI-generated music came to light when the company announced on May 1 that Spotify had initiated measures to address the unauthorized uploading of their content. Boomy's AI program, responsible for producing over 14.5 million tracks, equivalent to approximately 13.9% of the world's recorded music, had six of its songs removed from two playlists as a result of Spotify's actions.

These songs were removed following complaints of fraudulent activities and clutter on streaming platforms, with Universal Music Group (UMG) reportedly alerting service providers about suspicious streaming patterns associated with Boomy tracks.

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Spotify's removal of Boomy's songs is a direct response to suspected artificial streaming orchestrated by bots masquerading as genuine listeners. The company is intensifying its efforts to police the platform and address these concerns effectively.

Regarding the issue, Spotify stated,

Artificial streaming has been a long-standing, industry-wide problem that we are actively working to eradicate throughout our service. When we identify potential cases of stream manipulation or are alerted to them, we take appropriate action, which may involve removing streaming numbers and withholding royalties. This approach enables us to protect honest, hardworking artists by ensuring fair royalty payouts.

Spotify's commitment to tackling artificial streaming reflects its dedication to fostering an authentic and transparent musical ecosystem while safeguarding the interests of genuine artists. By taking proactive measures, the streaming platform aims to preserve the integrity of its service and maintain a level playing field for all musicians.

May 11, 2023
Enrich Africa
2 minute(s) Read
AI Songs

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