Featured: How AI Will Reshape Healthcare
Jan 7, 2023
Enrich Africa
3 minute(s) Read
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A fast-evolving technology that can assist in the administration of various business domains is artificial intelligence (AI). Make no mistake, this technology has been created to simplify, secure, and improve the lives of people.

Businesses, governments, and even individuals have already begun to employ this technology to better their lives by making it simpler for them to complete various jobs, whether it be more quickly or effectively.

The next major area where AI has the potential to revolutionise how we operate is the healthcare industry. This transition is just getting started, and there will be many more adjustments to come.

Globally, healthcare benefit costs are projected to increase 10% in 2023, compared with an increase of 8.8% this year and 8.2% growth in 2021

according to the report. However, a number of issues, such as high treatment costs, protracted waiting times, and high mortality rates, remain unresolved in the present situation.

AI is viewed as a solution that can assist the healthcare sector in providing better services at lower prices and more effectively address these concerns.

People are already using artificial intelligence to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of ailments. AI can transform healthcare by enhancing a number of processes, including disease diagnosis, treatment effectiveness, and the automation of a large portion of the diagnostic process.

Numerous groups are already looking into how AI might be applied to healthcare in the future.

How AI can reshape healthcare

One of AI’s most important potential advantages may be its ability to help individuals maintain good health and reduce the number of doctor's appointments.

Today, artificial intelligence is utilised to identify early-stage diseases and illnesses, such as cancer.

The Internet of Medical Things, which includes consumer wearables and medical equipment, is another significant area where AI is having an impact (IoMT).

These AI-integrated solutions can aid in the management of early-stage cardiac disease and make it possible for doctors and other healthcare professionals to spot and monitor potentially deadly conditions in their earlier, more curable stages.

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The use of AI-supported technologies has greatly reduced administrative burdens, freeing healthcare professionals to focus on providing patients with the best treatment possible.

For tasks like ordering tests, writing up prescriptions, and taking notes in charts, speech recognition software that enables voice-to-text transcriptions can have a significant influence.

Industry researchers claim that relieving doctors and nurses of administrative responsibilities can significantly reduce costs in the healthcare sector.

AI algorithms can be used by healthcare practitioners to identify which of their patients may be at risk for drug non-adherence.

Data from payers, payer demographics, out-of-pocket costs, and a doctor’s specialty can all be extracted using AI software.

The data can be used by the patient to forecast the likelihood that they will veer from their treatment plan. As a consequence, doctors can take the required actions to assist patients who have a higher risk of non-adherence through improved patient engagement and communication tactics.

Several people may feel intimidated by the development of artificial intelligence. History has shown us that people occasionally show great resistance to change.

Humans are very adaptable beings once they are convinced that a change will benefit society. Healthcare workers are inherently more conservative than ordinary AI enthusiasts because of their proximity to concerns about life and death.

It is obvious that AI can significantly alter many aspects of the healthcare system. Nevertheless, augmenting rather than replacing human abilities has proven to be the most successful application of AI in healthcare.


Jan 7, 2023
Enrich Africa
3 minute(s) Read
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

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