5 Myths About Working in Tech Spaces
Nov 13, 2021
Michael Isaac
3 minute(s) Read
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The Tech Space in Africa is one that has a number of myths surrounding different sectors - From the Fintech space to Healthtech and all other thriving sectors in the tech industry.

To navigate the tech space successfully, a good knowledge of the individual spaces are highly recommended. However, some statements about these industries leave people in Africa's tech space laughing - especially when there is a superhuman ability associated with people who are in the space.

That said, let's explore five myths about working in Africa's tech space.

Tech workers are superhumans with high-level IQ

Well, people who work in this space are smart no doubt, however, this assumption put a lot of pressure on people who work in tech spaces. This popular assumption is just another myth because it is not generic. No one in tech has a different superhuman-like IQ if they didn't work to develop it.

Like many creative sectors, working in tech requires you to first, have a certain level of interest and passion for the industry. It is that interest and passion that fuels whatever creativity and innovations that comes after.

You and Mathematics, 5&6

Not everyone in the tech space loves maths and not all tech products require that many mathematics. This myth affect a lot of people that work in the tech space when people just assume that they must really be good with numbers.

Some aspects of this creative space don't even require numbers. If you can read and understand this piece, you'll get what I mean.

Every tech person knows to code

This is another myth that comes with the idea that anyone who is in the tech space must know how to code. The tech space is so broad that coding and programming is just another branch.

Not everyone in the tech industry is a programmer. Not everyone knows how to code therefore, it is not a yardstick for working in thetech space.

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People in tech space can't be called creatives

This is one long conversation in the tech space. And where some people who work in the tech space say they shouldn't be classified as creatives, the truth remains that products and solutions that are gotten from tech tools are borne out of constructive creative thinking.

Also, most tech jobs provide an avenue for creativity - examples are jobes like web designing, graphic designing and even writing. These jobs require a certain level of creativity.

Having a sophisticated degree is a must

This is similar to myth number 2. There are a lot of first-degree holders out there who have an undying interest for the tech industry but are holding themselves back from pursuing a career in it because somebody somewhere made them think they need an advanced degree.

This is a big lie! These days, having a first degree already puts you in a good position to have a career in tech or any other field of interest so long as you’re willing to put in the work to learn and practice.

Some top tech professionals didn’t even start with a first degree. All they had was an idea and a will to pursue their vision and you can do the same too.

That's that for the five myths common in tech spaces in Africa. However, we should all do well to debunk these myths as false.

Nov 13, 2021
Michael Isaac
3 minute(s) Read
Working in tech companies
Tech spaces

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